Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Holidays in St. Maarten
Carol, Niki (from another boat), and Elli (restaurant owner) prepared a traditional American Thanksgiving feast for other cruisers staying in St. Maarten for the Holidays. We had over 35 people show up and we prepared more than enough food to feed them all. Jon was the official turkey carver among all the other things he did to help make this meal a success.

Carol and Jon on Aldebaran II.....all lit up for Christmas!
Spending the Holiday season in St. Maarten was great! We were able to have our Thanksgiving dinner since we prepared it for other cruisers, and that meant a lot to us. The funny thing was that most of the people who joined us for the dinner were from countries other than the United States. They were curious about our Thanksgiving holiday and the food we traditionally prepare. It was fun watching them try to figure out what everything was!
Both the French and Dutch sides of the island celebrate Christmas in a big way. Since Diana and Elaine joined us here for Christmas we rented a car for the week and explored the island. As we drove around at night, we discovered several houses all lit up. Some were beautifully decorated and others were a mishmash of decorations and lights. It made your eyes buggy trying to look at all they had in their yards and make sense of the "theme" but at least they were in the spirit of the season! One night while we were driving around Marigot, on the French side, we came across a group of people singing Christmas Carols (Caribbean style) as they wandered the streets, and then on the Dutch side we discovered a Kazoo band playing Christmas Carols! Now THAT was different! It seems they love their Christmas Carols as much here as they do in the United fact, they are STILL playing them!
The best part of the Holidays was having Diana and Elaine visit us. We were missing everyone at home, and having family here made it truly feel like Christmas. They brought homemade Christmas cookies, a little tree, and lights for our boat. It could not have been better. We packed the week with going to the beach (even in the rain), looking for shells, taking a dinghy ride, going to the beach at night to watch a giant fire ball, shopping in Phillipsburg, going to the street market in Marigot, playing games at their hotel, and so much more. It was a Christmas we will always remember.
Now it is 2010. On New Year's eve fireworks were going off Marigot, in Phillipsburg, and several places in Simpson Bay. You could see them all from where we were. At the same time when 2010 arrived at midnight, the Mega yachts were blowing their horns and flares were being shot into the sky. It was a great way to bring in the new year!