On the bottom right you can see a marble that has been tumbled by the waves.
One of the highlights about being in Grenada is hunting for sea glass. Grenada has one of the best spots to find sea glass in all the islands we have visited so far. We drove around the entire island to find the best beaches for glass and have settled on the one spot we like the best. Each week we tie up our dinghy at a nearby dock and walk up to the main road in Woburn to catch a number 2 bus. All of the buses in Grenada are named and usually we get "Bird Pepper" stopping to pick us up. I can't wait to get a ride in "Bawl and Beg"! The buses are for 16 passengers, but they aren't considered full until they get 22! We get dropped off in St. Georges and then walk about 2 miles to our favorite beach to look for glass. After we have tired ourselves out finding all that we can possibly carry, we get a coke at a little beach restaurant and have a fresh water rinse in their outside shower - ahhh.......
Once rested we walk back up to the main road to walk back to where we get the number 2 bus again. As we walk along the road, we stop to talk to some local people here and there. They are so friendly and love to share their knowledge with us. We see the local tailor in his shop in a ship container and wave hello, and meet a woman coming out of her house explaining to us about the breadfruit growing on her trees. Then just before we head downhill we always stop to see what boats are anchored outside of St. Georges and what cruise ships are in. It is always such a great day!
The best time to find glass is after large swells have been pounding the beaches. We never know what condition the beach will be in or how much, if any, glass we will find. One time we went to our spot and the surf was so calm, but we found hardly any glass. The next time the waves were so high they were crashing over our heads and drenching us as we scrambled around the big rocks to grab the glass before it got washed back out to sea. It was crazy, but we couldn't quit because every time a wave crashed over us it was raining sea glass! I noticed some people watching us like we were a couple of nuts out there, but we didn't care. We filled one gallon zip lock bag....it was a good day even though we were exhausted afterward. On another sea glass hunting trip we found a big stash in one rocky area. It was an area about 4x6 feet between the rocks. There was glass everywhere!! It was like striking gold. But, our best day yet was when we arrived at the beach on a calm day and saw some butts up in the air as people were collecting shells and glass. We knew it was going to be good. I started picking up pieces right away as Jon walked farther down the beach. Soon he came back with his hands full and told me that glass was littered everywhere on the beach. Oh my gosh! It was everywhere and the most beautiful pieces I have seen yet. We stayed bent over for several hours filling two bursting gallon zip locks and started on another when we just couldn't keep going. Each full bag weighs at least 10 pounds so we knew our carrying limits were already met. We got our coke and fresh water rinse and headed back on our walk to catch the bus "home". It's official....we are sea glass junkies.
So which beach was it? I’m here now and found some on Grande Anse. Pottery too.