Our first stop on the way to the Tobago Cays is Petit Nevis, a tiny uninhabited island just south of Bequia. This island was once the original whale rendering island for Bequia. There is still an active whaling station in a low-key and traditional way. Local whalers are allowed to take four whales a year between February and April. There are very few people left with the skills necessary to hunt them. They do this in an open sailing boat using hand-thrown harpoons. Petit Nevis had great snorkeling where we saw 2 kinds of eels along with all the gorgeous fish. We also found one tiny beach with ancient sea glass, nearly black with a rainbow colored sheen.
The next morning we motor sail in no wind to the Tobago Cays - the gems of the Grenadines. No wind is really the best while anchored in the Tobago Cays since there is just a reef separating the anchored boats from the Atlantic Ocean. This place is absolutely breathtaking! The colors of the water change all day long, there are several tiny islands you can walk around with huge iguanas and amazing views, and the snorkeling is incredible. To top it all off, seeing sunrises over the Atlantic that are over-the-top stunning!!!
The Tobago Cays is what we went sailing for - that's for sure. We spent our days snorkeling, visiting with friends, and exploring. While snorkeling we saw sting rays, eagle rays, a five foot lemon shark (yikes), huge parrot fish, flounder, sea turtles, jellyfish (ouch), trunk fish, hog fish, blue head wrasse, damsel fish, trumpet fish, and so many more gorgeous fish that we couldn't identify.
The Tobago Cays is by far our most favorite place to anchor and explore in all of the West Indies! I could keep posting picture after picture that is so breathtaking, but I better leave something for you to discover on your own!